RetroMagazine World #13 – Eng – February 2022

RetroMagazine World, with every issue in two versions, Italian and English, registers an ever-growing number of readers and arouses constant interest in the topics we cover. Our choice to avoid the distribution of printed copies, brings some advantages, …, not least of which is that we can continue to guarantee the complete gratuity of the magazine, and allows us to reach anywhere in the world with a simple URL.

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RetroMagazine World #12 – Eng – January 2022

I won’t make budgets….
So what? What will you tell us?
Well, I want to tell you about our satisfaction in having realized and in continuing to realize our dream of when we were kids. All the guys on the editorial staff of RetroMagazine World, dreamed of being part of a magazine like the ones they used to buy in the 80s and 90s.

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RetroMagazine World #11 – Eng – December 2021

The unknown variable called time
If there is one thing today that we have got in great quantities in retrocomputing, it is resources to draw on. The Internet offers us countless opportunities to retrieve documentation, books, magazines, guides and manuals for our beloved computers. It’s so easy to find both digital and traditional material.

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RetroMagazine World #10 – Eng – October 2021

The deception of Moore’s law
But then, after so many years spent in buying increasingly powerful machines, we suddenly stopped our race and started another one… backwards! We are now buying older and older machines, even more primitive and consequently slower ones…

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RetroMagazine World #09 – Eng – July/August 2021

The problem of the fourth player at poker
What is a chess player’s worst nightmare? It’s obvious, isn’t it? Not having anyone to play against. And that of three friends around the green poker table? Also simple. The fourth player is missing to start a nice evening with chips, cards and the inevitable glass of whiskey.

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RetroMagazine World #08 – Eng – June 2021

Més que un Magazine
“Més que un club”(more than a club) is the slogan proudly displayed by Barcelona FC in the stands of its football stadium.
With equal pride we can say that RetroMagazine World is more than just a magazine reserved for a group of enthusiasts.

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RetroMagazine World #07 – Eng – May 2021

“Seeing” retrogames through their sounds – Everyone tells me that I always try to “see” the beauty of things and I turn the difficulties I encounter into my strengths. And now I’m here, 40 years old, playing, having become blind, with my head full of 8-bit memories.

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RetroMagazine World #06 – Eng – March 2021

Memories of a past present
The dim light of the lamp illuminates the room as shivering shadows of the evening pass swiftly over the walls. Life can be strange sometimes: one joke leads to another and here I am writing my first editorial for this fantastic magazine.

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RetroMagazine World #05 – Eng – January 2021

8-bit Christmas Holidays. After a year like this one, spent mostly indoors or with a mask over your face, you may not feel much like celebrating the Christmas holidays, if for no other reason than the staggering number of victims of this damn virus.

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