RetroMagazine World #22 – Eng – February 2024

The world of video games is a strange one indeed. Despite periodically releasing works that take perfect advantage of the latest technological advances, it seems that gamers can never break away from their “Linus cover” that is, our old and beloved retro systems.
We see it clearly, the world of retrogaming in recent years has experienced exponential growth…

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RetroMagazine World #21 – Eng – December 2023

…you may have noticed that this issue has come a bit later than usual. In fact, as anticipated in the editorial of the previous issue, we wanted to devote some time and energy to enriching our website:

You will find a fair number of articles, especially video game reviews, directly accessible from the site…

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RetroMagazine World #20 – Eng – October 2023

…Clearly there is still so much to be done.
We need to be able to reach as many people as possible.
And to do this we need your help.
RetroMagazine World has been planning for some time now to put online all the articles that have been published in the pages of the magazine. This would increase the visibility of our work and consequently we could reach out to more and more people…

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RetroMagazine World #19 – Eng – July 2023

Let’s cling to RetroMagazine World as a providential lifeboat in a stormy sea of events.
But it is not an escape from reality. All RetroComputing enthusiasts form a worldwide community connected by the Internet, and we believe that sharing ideas, games and projects should foster brotherhood among people. Then we feel more responsible and less frivolous.

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The Firemen

Anno 2010, una nota azienda chimica sta organizzando la sua festa di Natale annuale nei locali.
Scoppia un terribile incendio in cucina e, in poco tempo, tutto l’edificio è in fiamme alimentato dai numerosi prodotti chimici al suo interno.
È il momento di entrare in gioco! La squadra dei vigili del fuoco Pete (noi), Danny, Max, Walter e Winona rinomati per il loro coraggio e le loro abilità si gettano nell’avventura per salvare gli sfortunati dipendenti e i loro familiari.

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RetroMagazine World n° 42 – Marzo 2023

…RetroMagazine World ha in progetto da diverso tempo ormai di mettere online tutti gli articoli che sono stati pubblicati sulle pagine della rivista.
Stiamo quindi cercando qualche volontario che vorrebbe far parte del nostro team aiutandoci alla trasposizione degli articoli sul sito…

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RetroMagazine World n° 41 – Dicembre 2022

Il 2022 sta volgendo al termine ed è naturale fare qualche riflessione. Come se non bastasse la pandemia, poi è scoppiata una guerra che forse si trascinerà a lungo. Infine, la paura di rimanere al freddo e senza soldi con una inflazione strisciante che mangia i nostri sudati risparmi.
Ci si aggrappa a RetroMagazine World come a una provvidenziale scialuppa di salvataggio in un mare tempestoso di avvenimenti…

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RetroMagazine World #15 – Eng – July 2022

We at RetroMagazine World have always made this quote from Charles Darwin our mantra. In our nearly 6 years of existence, changes have been occurring systematically to make sure that the magazine and everything around it, could always evolve into something better. Yet another step to continue this evolutionary path was the creation of the RetroMagazine World – NPO.

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RetroMagazine World #14 – Eng – April 2022

But what would happen if we decided to leave the comfort zone? What would happen if we decided to try to use and learn those unfamiliar systems? Certainly, at the beginning, we would pay the price of lack of knowledge.
Well, if we are able to do this, unexplored worlds will open up before us, where the joy of discovery could make us return to those children we were 30/40 years ago.

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