RetroMagazine World #14 – Eng – April 2022

But what would happen if we decided to leave the comfort zone? What would happen if we decided to try to use and learn those unfamiliar systems? Certainly, at the beginning, we would pay the price of lack of knowledge.
Well, if we are able to do this, unexplored worlds will open up before us, where the joy of discovery could make us return to those children we were 30/40 years ago.

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RetroMagazine World #13 – Eng – February 2022

RetroMagazine World, with every issue in two versions, Italian and English, registers an ever-growing number of readers and arouses constant interest in the topics we cover. Our choice to avoid the distribution of printed copies, brings some advantages, …, not least of which is that we can continue to guarantee the complete gratuity of the magazine, and allows us to reach anywhere in the world with a simple URL.

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