Atari 5200 SuperSystem

Nel 1982 Atari, allora indiscussa dominatrice del mercato videoludico domestico, presenta l’erede della 2600/VCS, quella console che da alcuni anni sta letteralmente facendo il bello ed il cattivo tempo tra i sistemi elettronici da gioco, presente in milioni di case.
Messa in commercio come diretta concorrente del Mattel Intellivision, la nuova console…

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RetroMagazine World #11 – Eng – December 2021

The unknown variable called time
If there is one thing today that we have got in great quantities in retrocomputing, it is resources to draw on. The Internet offers us countless opportunities to retrieve documentation, books, magazines, guides and manuals for our beloved computers. It’s so easy to find both digital and traditional material.

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