RetroMagazine World #03 – Eng – October 2020

The driving force of retrocomputing. The passion that we all share and call “retrocomputing” (including perhaps not entirely rightly the term “retrogaming”), like any other passion, leads us to spend a lot of time in the search for vintage hardware, original game…

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RetroMagazine World #01 – Eng – June 2020

Spring 2020: there’s a scent of change in the air. Despite the frankly somewhat dark times we live in, this late spring brings many changes in our lives. Perhaps even finally a return to life as we know it, after the CoViD-19 nightmare. Even within our editorial initiative there are no shortage of changes on the horizon. Indeed, many have already started or will soon be under way

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RetroMagazine World #00 Eng – May 2020

Welcome to our first international issue! RetroMagazine is a well underway project started in October 2017 by a small group of Italian retrocomputing enthusiasts .Yes, we know, there are many magazines dedicated to retrogames and they are gorgeous; so why the need for an additional homebrew fanzine?

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RetroMagazine World n° 23 – Maggio 2020

Primavera 2020: nell’aria c’è profumo di cambiamento. Nonostante l’epoca francamente un po’ buia che viviamo, questa primavera ormai inoltrata porta tanti cambiamenti nelle nostre esistenze, forse finalmente verso un ritorno alla normalità e alla vita che conosciamo, dopo l’incubo CoViD-19.

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